What is SEND
SEND is the abbreviation used for 'Special Educational Needs and Disabilities'.
Mrs Chandler is our SENCO.
Please feel free to make contact if you have any queries or concerns relating to your child's needs on 01228 815460 (via the school office).
In Upperby Primary, we believe in the inclusion of all our children to fully access all aspects of school life. We aim to offer excellence and choice to all of our children, whatever their ability or need(s). We achieve this through the removal of barriers to learning and in the promotion of positive relationships and self-esteem. We want all of our children to feel that they are a valued part of our school community.
We recognise that children may:
- Have different educational, physical, sensory, emotional and communication needs
- Require different strategies for learning
- Need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences
- Acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates and through different methods
- Have a range of different hopes and aspirations
We work closely with parents, other schools in our cluster and a range of outside agencies to overcome any barriers to learning that a pupil may have and to provide the best possible outcomes.
We have specialist outreach teachers who work directly with our pupils, parents and staff to provide additional support and advice.
All staff at Upperby Primary work alongside pupils and parents to provide appropriate differentiation and support. We aim to ensure that all pupils feel valued and that their needs are understood.
Any pupils identified as having a special educational need will be added to the school’s SEND register.