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Eternia (Year 5)

Welcome to Eternia. Our Class teacher is Mr Chapman and we are supported by Mrs Duncan and Mrs Flemming.

Year 5 Homework


Children should read at home for at least 10 minutes, 5 days a week, with a grown up. This will help with their fluency and understanding. Please record this in their home reading records. Extra breaktimes will be given to children who read 5 times at home!

Online Homework

Homework will be set on a Friday and due back in the following Friday.

Children will have 10 spellings in their spelling journal to learn each week. 

 The children will be introduced to Learning By Questions (LBQ). They will be assigned one Maths, Reading and SPAG activity on this platform each week. The children will be given a code to access this at home.  Any device is compatible with LBQ, including tablets, phones, laptops and game consoles.


If you have difficulties accessing the internet, please inform Mr Chapman or Miss Ion.  LBQ will be accessible Friday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Our homework policy indicates that children who do not complete these activities sufficiently, will have to complete this during breaktime.

Year 5 Class Information

Doors open at 8.35am, ready to start work by 8.45am and we finish at 3.15pm. It is vital that all children arrive at school on time. 10 minutes late per day equals 50 minutes of lost learning time each week.

We enter via the Year 5 cloakroom door and leave via the classroom door. If you have signed the form for your child to leave the school premises without an adult, please ensure they are aware of any prior arrangements you have made with them.

Please be prompt if collecting your child.

All children will need a water bottle, containing only water, and a book bag, containing their reading book and reading record, in school every day.

Children must wear the correct school uniform every day. Please refer to the school’s uniform policy for more details.

PE kits need to be in school every day. PE will be outside as well as inside, so please make sure children have outdoor PE shoes. Earrings must not be worn on PE days and long hair needs to be tied back. 

Our PE days are currently Monday and Tuesday.

It is very important that your child’s belongings are all clearly named so they can easily be returned if lost.

Any questions or concerns, please contact our school office and we will get back to you.

Thank you,

Mr Chapman