Our uniform is designed to be smart and cost effective.
We expect every child to attend school in uniform every day.
Please ensure you clearly label all items of uniform with your child's name.
Boys uniform
Royal blue sweatshirt, dark grey/black trousers, light blue polo shirt, grey socks and black school shoes. Waterproof coat.
Girls uniform
Royal blue sweatshirt/ cardigan, grey/black skirt or trousers or pinafore, light blue polo shirt, grey or white socks and black school shoes. Summer uniform - blue checked school dress. Waterproof coat.
P.E Kit
Red round neck T-shirt and navy shorts. Suitable trainers. Grey or black tracksuit may be worn for outdoor P.E during winter months.
All children need a school book bag and a water bottle.
The following items of uniform can be ordered and purchased through the school office or online through the ScoPay online payment system:
RED T-SHIRTS for P.E can be ordered via the school office for £2.00.
School Jumper - £11.50
Available in Sizes: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, XS, S, M, L
Book Bag - £6.50
School Water Bottle - £2.50